About the Program 學程介紹
Dean's Remarks 院長的話
CEO's Remarks 執行長的話
Features of IMF 學程特色
How We Started 學程歷史
College of Management 中正大學管理學院
Members of the Program 系所成員
Dean of IMF 院長
CEO of IMF 執行長
IMF Faculty 專任師資
Admission Information 招生資訊
Admission Guide 招生簡章
Students' Affairs 學生事務
Curriculum Plan 課程規劃
Degree Examination 學位考試
Form Download 表單下載
Thesis 學位論文
Degree Regulations(Chinese)中文修業規定
Degree Regulations(English)英文修業規定
News 最新消息
News 最新消息
112-2 Oral Defense: Nguyen, Quoc Nhan (Tom) 112-2 阮國雁同學學位口試資格考
112-2 Oral Defense: Nguyen Thy 112-2 阮夜天同學學位口試資格考
2024 Fubon Life Management Doctor and Master Thesis Award | 2024富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎
(recruitment closed) National Chung Cheng University College of Management is recruiting full-time faculty members for the IMF (招聘結束)國立中正大學管理學院國際財務金融管理碩士學位學程誠徵專任教師
National Chung Cheng University College of Management is recruiting for a foreign project faculty position for the IMF 國立中正大學國際財務金融管理碩士學位學程誠徵外籍專案教師(Recruitment Closed)
2024 LIGHT SEEKER Summer Internship Program|光寶科技尋光者暑期實習
Emergency Student Relief Fund 急難救助金
Joint Civil-Military Air Defense Exercise (Wan'an No. 47) 萬安演習
The Wind God's Drummer - Taiwan-Africa Collaborative Fusion Concert 🪘 風神的鼓手-台非融合創作音樂會
Master's Degree Graduation Procedure Flowchart碩士班離校流程圖
IMF Prerequisites 國際財務金融管理碩士學位學程先修規定
Fake Landlord Fraud Prevention 假房東詐騙防治
EVA Air's exclusive FLYEVA promotion for Southeast Asian students in Taiwan 長榮航空東南亞在台學生專屬優惠碼活動
Meeting with the Dean of College of Management 與院長有約
Prevention of Phishing SMS Scams 反釣魚簡訊詐騙宣導
IMF 112-2 Course List 112-2 開設課程
Admission through screening and recommendation 國際財務金融管理碩士學位學程招生甄試
111-2 Oral Defense: Ruth 111-2 謝信如同學學位口試資格考
111-2 Oral Defense: Adil 111-2 阿迪爾同學學位口試資格考
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