
2024 Fubon Life Management Doctor and Master Thesis Award | 2024富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎



2024 Fubon Life Management Doctor and Master Thesis Award

Submission Period: May 13 - July 16

Eligibility: Master's and doctoral graduates from management-related graduate schools in the academic years 2022 and 2023

Application Method: Online application only. Fill out the relevant information on the website to complete the application process.

Important Notes:

  1. Starting in 2019, only electronic files will be accepted. Online registration is required; no paper documents need to be submitted.
  2. Starting in 2022, online registration will also require submission of a "Plagiarism Check Reference File for Competition Thesis".
  3. The same degree thesis can only be submitted for this event once, and cross-category applications are not allowed (please refer to the website information for details).
  4. A special "Sustainable Development Thesis Award" has been established. If the content of the submitted thesis is related to ESG issues, please check the box during registration.

We encourage graduate students (including in-service students) from management-related departments and schools of all universities to actively participate. If you are from a non-management-related graduate school and the content of your thesis is related to the thesis fields of this award, you can also participate.

link: https://www.cmathesis.org.tw/







1. 2019年度起,僅收取電子檔案,線上報名完成即可,不必再寄送紙本文件。

2. 2022年度起,線上報名亦須提供「參賽論文原創性比對參考檔案」。

3. 同一學位論文以參賽本活動1次為限,且不得跨類申請(詳細內容請參考網站資訊)。

4. 特設「永續發展論文獎」,如報名論文內容與ESG議題相關,請於報名時進行勾選。



活動連結: https://www.cmathesis.org.tw/


