
CEO's Remarks 執行長的話

     On behalf of the International Master Program in Global Finance (IMF) at National Chung Cheng University, I extend a sincere welcome to our international-friendly and beautiful campus. Our mission is to provide students and scholars interested in practical work and research in the global financial market with a resource-rich learning platform and training environment. Our College of Management offers five specialized departments in Accounting, Finance, Information Management, Business Administration, and Economics to meet your professional qualifications as a global financial manager or a specialized researcher. In addition, our university comprises six other diverse colleges, including the College of Engineering, the College of Science, the College of Law, the College of Social Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts, and the College of Education, offering a variety of interdisciplinary courses and research opportunities, including artificial intelligence, financial technology, and big data research. All courses offered in the IMF program are conducted in English. Furthermore, our renowned Language Center provides language training courses for students to develop international communication skills in Chinese, English, Japanese, French, and other languages. Many of our alumni have successfully established businesses in the global financial market, including in Taiwan, as well as Asian and European markets. Our campus is equipped with abundant library resources, comprehensive indoor and outdoor sports facilities, and free on-campus dormitories available for all international students. Additionally, we offer various scholarships for international students to facilitate their studies. Lastly, welcome to our IMF family, and we hope you have a pleasant and successful learning experience at CCU. If you have any questions regarding the IMF program, please feel free to contact me at actycl@ccu.edu.tw.

      謹代表國立中正大學國際財務金融管理碩士學位學程(IMF)的所有成員,誠摯歡迎您蒞臨我們國際友善的美麗校園。我們的宗旨為提供來自全球金融市場中從事實踐和研究工作有興趣之學生和學者一個資源豐富的學習平台和培訓環境。我們的管理學院除設有五個專業領域系所, 會計,財務,資管,企管和經濟,以滿足您作為全球財務經理或是專業研究人員的職業資格外,本校還包括其他6個不同的學院,包括工學院,理學院,法學院,社科院,文學院以及教育學院,提供多樣性的跨領域課程和研究,包括人工智慧、金融科技以及大數據研究。IMF提供的所有課程將以英語授課。此外,我們著名的語言中心還為學生提供語言培訓課程,以發展中文,英語,日語,法語和其他幾種語言的國際交流能力。許多畢業校友已在全球金融市場成功開創事業,其中包括台灣,甚至亞洲和歐洲市場。我們的校園還蘊藏豐富的圖書資源、完善得室內外運動設施以及供所有國際學生使用的免費校內宿舍;另外,針對國際學生亦提供多項的獎助學金,以利就學。最後,歡迎您加入我們的IMF大家庭。希望您在CCU學習愉快且順利。如果您對IMF有任何疑問,請隨時與我聯繫(actycl@ccu.edu.tw)。
