
Degree Regulations (English) 英文修業規定

I. Introduction to the Program

The International Master's Program in Global Finance is an English-taught program that was launched in the Fall semester of 2015 with a primary focus on the practical application of theories in finance, accounting, and economics to global financial markets. This degree program aims to nurture financial experts with a global perspective and a deep understanding of the functioning of global financial markets. The main themes of this master's degree program include:

(1) Fostering interdisciplinary cooperation among finance, accounting, and economics disciplines, as well as between academia and industry.

(2) Developing students' professional knowledge of the global operation of financial markets.

(3) Creating opportunities for cross-border research and internships.

※ Application Requirement

All individuals aspiring to build a successful career in the global financial markets are encouraged to apply. Applicants should hold an equivalent bachelor's degree, preferably in a business-related field; however, candidates from other academic backgrounds are also welcome to apply. Students from non-English-speaking countries are additionally required to provide their TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS scores as part of their application.

For comprehensive application information and access to the online application portal, please visit:

II. Degree Requirement

All courses in this 2-year master's program will be conducted in English. Students are required to successfully complete a total of 36 credits of coursework and submit a master's thesis to fulfill the degree requirements for the International Master's degree in Global Finance conferred by the authority of the university. Additionally, each student must participate in cultural exchange activities totaling 54 hours (1 credit hour is equivalent for 18 credit hours of instruction at the university; e.g. a language course offering 2 credits provides 36 hours). Upon passing the thesis defense examination, students will be eligible to receive a Master's degree (Master of Science in Global Finance, M.S.).

III. Degree Examination

(1) Graduate students in this degree program may apply for the degree examination only after fulfilling the required credit hours, completing the academic ethics education course, passing the thesis proposal review, finishing the master's thesis, and obtaining the approval of their academic advisor.

(2) Applications for the degree examination should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the day of oral defense. The application must include the following documents:

  • Degree Examination Application Form
  • List of Degree Examination Committee Members
  • Transcripts of Previous Academic Records
  • Turnitin report to verify originality, with a similarity index not exceeding 20%

The application materials must be signed by the academic advisor, the program office, and the relevant department head or supervisor, and submitted to the Academic Affairs Office during the application period.

(3) Degree examination results are based on a comprehensive assessment of the thesis content and oral defense performance. A passing grade is seventy points, and the maximum score is one hundred. The final score is determined by the average score given by the committee members. However, if one-third or more of the committee members rate the student as failing, the examination is deemed unsuccessful, and only one re-examination is allowed.

(4) If a student fails the degree examination and has not completed the maximum allowable period of study, one may retake the examination in the following semester or academic year. The re-examination is limited to one attempt. If the student still fails the re-examination, they will be dismissed from the program.

(5) The composition of the Degree Examination Committee for this degree program should include three to five committee members, with at least one external member from outside the program. The academic advisor cannot serve as the convener. The number of committee members from outside the program must be more than half.

(6) Members of the Degree Examination Committee must meet one of the following qualifications:

  1. Current or former professors, associate professors, or assistant professors.
  2. Academicians of the Academia Sinica, current or former researchers, associate researchers, or assistant researchers of the Academia Sinica.
  3. Holders of a Ph.D. degree with notable academic achievements.
  4. In specialized or rare fields, or in professional practice with notable achievements in academia or the profession.

Qualifications under items 2 and 3 above require approval by the program's class affairs meeting.

(7) If plagiarism or academic misconduct is confirmed by the Degree Examination Committee, the student will be considered as having failed the examination.

(8) After the completion of the thesis oral defense, the final version of the thesis submitted before departure must include a Turnitin report as proof. The similarity index, excluding literature and references, should not exceed 20%."

IV. Curriculum

The program curriculum places a strong emphasis on fundamental financial theories and practices. It is structured as follows:

Pre-requisite courses


18 credits of Core Courses


18 credits of Elective Courses


Cultural exchange activities


In addition to these coursework requirements, all students are obligated to complete the "Research Ethics Education" Course, which is provided by the Ministry of Education and has been mandatory since 2017 (106-1 semester). It is important to note that students who have not fulfilled this course requirement will not be eligible to apply for their Master Thesis Oral Defense.

Pre-requisite Requirements

All students must complete the following undergraduate-level courses before admission to the master’s program. Students who do not have a background in these courses are required to take them as undergraduate courses at CCU after admission. The prerequisite undergraduate-level courses include:

  1. Economics (Micro or Macro-economic)
  1. Accounting (Basic Accounting or an Equivalent course)
  1. Statistics (Basic Statistics or an Equivalent course)

*Please note that each of the courses listed above carries a credit weight of 3 credits.

Core Courses

The core courses are divided into two modules: the Financial Module and the Strategic and Innovative Module. Students are required to successfully complete all of the following 6 core courses, totaling 18 credits, at CCU (*Please note that the course selection year provided below (first year, second year) are not mandatory but rather suggested guidelines.):

Financial Module:

First Year

Second Year





Financial Markets and Institutions


Financial Management


Investment Analysis


Strategic and Innovative Module:

International Finance




Innovation and Application of Emerging Financial Instruments


Language Proficiency (Compulsory; Not included in the Graduation Credits):

Additionally, for international students, there are two compulsory language proficiency courses, which are not included in the graduation credits:

Chinese Oral Expression Basic

Chinese Sentence Patterns Basic

*Please note that each of the courses listed above carries a credit weight of 3 credits.

Elective Courses

Students must complete 18 elective graduate-level credits, with a requirement to select courses from at least 3 of the following 4 fields:

Field I: Interdisciplinary Professional Skills:

Field II: Managerial Ability:

Electronic Commerce

Computer Auditing

Advanced Financial Accounting

Investment Analysis

Empirical Microeconomics

Investment Practice

Information Technology and Decision Theory

Financial Economics

Economics Mathematics

Managerial Behavior and Organization

Field III: Communication Skills:

Field IV: Global Perspectives:

Financial English Writing

International Trade and Finance

English Conversation for Financial Manager

International Investment Banking

Taiwan Education and Culture Research

*Please note that each of the courses listed above carries a credit weight of 3 credits.

*Any other elective courses offered by this program can also be counted as professional elective credits. Enrolling in other English-language courses offered by the College of Management, CCU, requires the approval of the program director.

*The subjects listed for professional electives are for reference purposes only. New subjects introduced by instructors may also be included as professional electives.

Students may also choose other CCU courses not listed above to fulfill elective course credits, subject to approval by the IMF program academic review committee.

Cultural Exchange Activities (54 hours)

During their enrollment in this degree program, graduate students are required to complete a total of 54 hours of "Cultural Exchange Activities" organized by the program office and the International Office, or other activities approved by the program director (which require submission of a report and will be verified for hours), to enhance their language abilities.

Proof of the completed hours must be submitted upon departure.


IMF Prerequisites 國際財務金融管理碩士學位學程先修規定

Apart from above-mentioned the three prerequisite requirements,(1)Economics (Micro or Macro-economics), (2)Accounting (Basic Accounting or an equivalent course), and (3)Statistics (Basic Statistics or an equivalent course) , the table below shows courses with conditional acceptance. These prerequisites requirements shall be fulfilled before registering the following courses.

No. Course Instructor Credit Type

  Equity Asset Valuation


Guan-Ying Huang


3 Elective

Conditional Acceptance for this Course

PrerequisitesEither you have taken Financial Management and Investment in your undergraduate program, or you have already obtained 3 credits of Financial Management in our master program.


  Venture Capital and Private Equity


Pei-Hsuan Lee


3 Elective

Conditional Acceptance for this Course

PrerequisitesYou have obtained 3 credits of Financial Markets and Institutions.


  Study on Applications of Statistical Analysis


Yu-Hsiu Lin


3 Elective

Conditional Acceptance for this Course

PrerequisitesYou have obtained 3 credits of Statistics in undergraduate program.


  Financial Management


Mu-Shu Yun


3 Required

Conditional Acceptance for this Course

PrerequisitesYou have obtained 3 credits of Financial Management in undergraduate program.

IMF Students who plans to take the above 4 courses, send the office and the IMF faculty instructor a proof

(e.g. screenshots, photos, transcripts) that you have met the prerequisites.  

Contact our Instructors:

黃冠瑛  Guan-Ying Huang <huanggy@ccu.edu.tw>

李佩璇 Pei-Hsuan Lee <patricia@ccu.edu.tw>

林育秀 Yu-Hsiu Lin <yuhsiu@ccu.edu.tw>

雲慕書 Mu-Shu Yun <mushuyun@ccu.edu.tw>
