2024 LIGHT SEEKER Summer Internship Program|光寶科技尋光者暑期實習
Hiring for a variety of positions in hardware, software, firmware, manufacturing, PM, marketing, HR, and finance.
Foreigner welcome job
Application Deadline: 2024/05/16 (Thur)
【 暑期實習說明會 Online Briefing 】
日期 Date & Time:2024/05/10 (Fri) 14:00~15:00
【 計畫亮點 Program Highlights 】
.5 大職系專案實習 Project internship in five major professional departments
.3 天 2 夜尋光探險營 3-day, 2-night LIGHT SEEKER Camp
.ESG 專案實作 ESG project implementation
.全英文實習 Internship conducted entirely in English
.實習薪資 $45,000 NTD Internship Salary
【 職缺資訊 Information 】
.申請期限 Submission Deadline:2024/05/16 (Thur)
.計畫日期 Internship Period:2024/07/01~08/31
.職務類別 Job Openings:
--硬體工程師 Hardware Engineer
--機構工程師 Mechanical Engineer
--軟體工程師 Software Engineer
--韌體工程師 FIrmware Engineer
--生產製造 Manufacturing
--業務行銷 Sales & Marketing
--營運管理 PM/HR/Purchase/Finance
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