
Dean's Remarks 院長的話

        Welcome to International Master Program in Global Finance (CCU IMF). On behalf of all the faculty and staff of the College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our campus on Lin Yuan Avenue. The College of Management is dedicated to creating and sharing professional knowledge in management theory and practice in the context of the new economic environment. Our goal is to cultivate students with integrity and innovation capabilities who can significantly influence and contribute to the development of learners, communities, industries, and the nation. National Chung Cheng University comprises seven colleges: the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Science, the College of Social Sciences, the College of Engineering, the College of Management, the College of Law, and the College of Education. We offer a wide range of interdisciplinary courses and academic research knowledge, aiming to build a comprehensive and integrated university. Within the College of Management, we have five specialized departments: Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Accounting and Information Technology, and Information Management. These departments cater to the professional needs of students and cultivate professional financial managers and outstanding researchers in specialized fields. In the face of ongoing technological innovations worldwide, management education is also advancing and embracing artificial intelligence, financial technology, and big data research.

      謹代表國立中正大學管理學院的所有教職員工,誠摯歡迎您蒞臨我們林園大道的校園。管理學院的宗旨為致力於創建與分享新經濟環境下管理理論與實務之專業知識,培養學生具有誠信及創新能力,並能對學習者、社區、產業、國家之發展產生顯著影響與助益。中正大學共設有七大學院,其為文學院、理學院、社會科學院、工學院、管理學院、法學院、以及教育學院,提供豐富的跨領域課程以及學術研究知識,打造一所全方面的綜合型大學。管理學院除設有五個專業領域系所,其為經濟、財務金融、企業管理、會計與資訊科技、以及資訊管理學系,以滿足師生在專業領域的需求,培養專業財務經理人、以及專門領域傑出研究人員;在全球科技不斷創新進步的情況下,管理教育知識也適與時俱進,開創了人工智慧、金融科技以及大數據研究。面對新經濟環境的變革,推動管理理論與實務並重的跨領域研究發展、專業人才培育、創新創業孵化、產官學研合作,以及國際鏈結,皆為必要之策,方能促使中正管院成為具特色的一流管理學院。國際財務金融管理碩士學位學程(International Master Program in Global Finance: IMF)將以全英授課為主軸,本學程的學生來自世界各地的人種,透過不同文化衝擊、學術交流,促成一個小型多元文化的生活圈;過去許多畢業校友已在全球金融市場成功開創事業及立足,希望本學程的學生能繼續在金融相關產業開枝散葉,成為優秀人才。最後,歡迎您加入我們的IMF的大家庭,希望您在中正大學學習順利與順心。 

