
Documents that students should bring on site for final defense 口試現場必備文件


1. 個人帳號表(Personal account application form)

CCU needs the account to pay committee members WHO ARE NOT FROM CCU, one person only needs to fill out once. Personal account application form provided by the IMF Office.  學校需要校外口試委員的個人帳號給付口試費,每位委員只需填一次即可,個人帳號表由IMF辦公室提供。

2. 回郵信(Prepaid envelope)

If the committee members need travel allowance, they could use this envelope to mail tickets back to CCU. Prepaid envelope provided by the IMF Office. 口試委員若有交通費要核銷,需用回郵信寄回車票,回郵信由IMF辦公室提供。

3. 國立中正大學碩士學位考試成績單(CCU transcript for master degree final defense)

Needs to be filled in with an average grade of final defense, signed by the advisor and then given to the IMF Office. Please download this document from the final defense application system. 成績單需要填上口試成績,由指導教授簽名後再交回IMF辦公室。文件請從申請口試的系統下載。

4. 審定書(Declaration made by committee)

Needs to be signed by all committee members and then given to the IMF Office. Please download this document from the final defense application system. 審定書需要所有口試委員簽名,再交回IMF辦公室。文件請從申請口試的系統下載

5. 碩、博士班研究生學位論文指導費、口試費申請表(Final Defense fee application form)

For committee members to apply for the final defense fee, it needs to be signed by all committee members and given to the IMF Office. Please download this document from the final defense application system. 申請表目的為協助口試委員申請口試費用,需要所有口試委員簽名並交回IMF辦公室。文件請從申請口試的系統下載

6. 碩士班研究生學位論文考試交通費(印領清冊) (Final Defense travel allowance application form)

For committee members to apply for travel allowance for your final defense, it needs to be signed ONLY by the committee members who wish to apply; after that, please give back to the IMF Office. Please download this document from the final defense application system. 申請表目的為協助口試委員申請交通費用,只有要申請的委員才需要簽名並交回IMF辦公室。文件請從申請口試的系統下載

